Clinical , Anthropometric & Bio-Chemical (CAB) Data Entry System

CLIENT: Office of the Registrar General, India (Census of India), Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The clinical, anthropometric and biochemical (CAB) component of the AHS is an effort to obtain, in the sub-sample of the AHS, district level data on the prevalence of under- and over-nutrition, anemia and hypertension, abnormalities in fasting glucose levels, and household availability of iodized salt. This will enable the formulation of decentralized district-specific plans for interventions and also provide the baseline data against which the impact of interventions (process and impact parameters) during the Twelfth Plan can be assessed.

As part of the Annual Health Survey, in order to obtain data on nutritional status and information on prevalence of certain lifestyle disorders like diabetes and hypertension at district level, some elementary tests for measurements like length / height, weight, and blood pressure, estimation of hemoglobin and fasting plasma glucose and Testing of salt used by households for iodine have also been included. These Clinical, Anthropometric and Biochemical (CAB) tests are referred to as the CAB component of AHS. This CAB component will also capture information on infant and young child feeding practices in children aged under 3 years and information on acute morbidity episodes in the last fortnight in all children aged under 5 years and current status whether lactating, pregnant or non-pregnant and non-lactating women in reproductive age group.

CAB Tests will be conducted in a sub-sample of Primary Sampling Units (PSUs) selected for the Annual Health Survey in each of the 284 districts across 9 AHS states during 2012-13. In all about 4 lakh households across 284 districts shall be covered for conducting CAB Tests by selecting 12 PSUs in each district covering alternate households in selected PSU. Within a selected household, all eligible members shall be covered for relevant tests.

The CAB tests would include:

Anthropometric –

  • Length/Height and Weight Measurement – Women, Men and Children (aged 1 month & above)

Clinical –

  • Blood Pressure –Women and Men aged 18 years and above

Biochemical –

  • Hb estimation – Women, Men and Children (aged 6 months & above)

  • Fasting Blood Glucose estimation –Women and Men aged 18 years and above

  • Testing of household salt for iodine content – all sampled households

The results of CAB tests along with other information collected in the CAB schedules would inter-alia yield the following information:

  • Nutritional Status of Women (Lactating, Pregnant or, Non-Pregnant and Non-lactating), Men and Children (aged 1 month & above)

  • Prevalence of Hypertension among Women and Men (aged 18 years and above)

  • Prevalence of Anemia among Women, Men and Children (aged 6 months & above)

  • Prevalence of abnormal fasting plasma glucose levels among Women and Men (aged 18 years and above)

  • Utilization of Iodized salt in households

  • Infant and young child Feeding Practices in children aged under 3 years and Acute recent morbidity episodes in children under 5 years

Centralized System of Data Entry System for survey data from the Field Survey Agencies. For the allotted zones using this Centralized System of Data Entry System, Survey Agencies (SA) will capture the test results for the CAB tests as well as other relevant information on health and nutrition in the ‘CAB Schedule’. Survey Agency would also need to take the consent on the ‘consent form’, from the eligible individuals/ households (as required) before conducting the tests in each household.